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Speed Banana Epic Sage 4-Hour XC
formerly Winter Thaw
Yellow River
Stone Mtn, GA
Saturday, May 9

rescheduled from Sunday April 19, 2015

CycleYouth is hosting the Speed Banana Epic Saga, a 4-hour multi-lap timed race. This is shorter than a 6-hour race, but longer than a regular XC event and will provide a full filled day of riding on great trails.

The trail system uses all the best single track at the park to offer a fun and rewarding loop for all. Old-timers will remember some of the original trails that are back in use. The loop has been created to maximize singletrack, and offer a true mountain bike experience. The course has been modified from last year's XC version slightly to make multiple laps just a little easier, but all the challenge is still there.

The loop is approx 6.8 miles in length and about 90% single track.  The trail is evenly suited for a hardtail and full suspension equally. Parking and start/finish are at the Horse Parking area.

For other park users including HORSES and

HIKERS the River Side trails will remain open,

although the Horse paking lot will be in use by the


                   Big thanks to our race sponsors

                             Please show support

Cash, prizes and medals 3 deep.

Raffle includes 1 entry into Pisgah 111K and 2 into Pisgah 55.5K race on May 16 and 17.

We will run races in heats for 8-11 Kids, Beginner, Sport and Expert (Cat III, II and I), as well as First Timers. First Timer class is just that; first time racing.

Team options for Cat III, Cat II, and High School.

Team for co-ed may contain Cat I, II or III.

There is no team Cat I mens.

Kids 8-11 1.6 mile loop using portions of adult loop. Kids 8-11 will start at 8:40AM so racing parents can be there.  Some kids might take more than 20 minutes to complete, so racing parents be advised.  You may start the adult race late if you wish.

NICA Racers:  Enter this race and attend the Devo Camp in July and 100% of your entry fee will be applied towards registration for camp.  Our way of giving back!

Lap Guesstimates

Kids ~10-25 minutes for kids loop
Beginner ~50-75 minute lap
Sport 4-hour ~45-60 minute lap
Expert 4-hour ~33-45 min lap
Class Structure:


                        Kids 8-11 1.6 mile course

9am 4 hour race

                      ProExpert         Junior Sport/Expert      Sport 19-39 & 40-99

9:01am 4 hour race  Official Clock Start

             Sport/Beginner 50+          Women Sport & Expert

                                                     Beg/Sport 2-man, Beg/Sport co-ed

9:03am 4 hour race
                         2-person teams: High/Middle school
                         Beginner 4-hour solo racers

9:04am 2 lap race

                Beginner 19-99   Junior Beginner 11-14 &15-18   Women & Jr Ladies Beginner
                                                                  First Timers 0-99

*Start order may be changed depending on class sizes.

*2-person co-ed teams may have Cat I racers, but there is no Cat I men or women's team.

*Please note there is no little kids event (age 2-7) at this time. Under 8 welcome to race with the 8-11.
*Race ends at 1:01pm for all 4 hour racers completing 6 laps or less, and 1:11pm (for anyone making 7 laps or more)
*Since the official clock starts with the second wave then the first wave gets an extra 1 minute and the 3rd wave gets 2 less minutes, but the 4th wave is on a 2 lap schedule so 2-lap racers need to finish by 1:01pm. Start your timer at 9:01am, or for Experts just know you have one extra minute.
*Any 4-hour racer attempting a 7th or 8th lap will be granted the Truckerco.com 10 minute grace period - You have 4 hours 11 minutes to complete 7 laps, (or  Experts have 4 hours 1 minute to complete 6 laps or less) Sport 4 hours, and Beginners 3 hours 58 minutes. Confusing? No. Confusing for the uninformed? Yes. Plan your strategy accordingly.
*There is no cut-off time for starting your last lap. The race ends at the specified time, and riders coming through after that time are not counted as completing that lap.

Due to forecasted thunderstorms the day of the race we have rescheduled the event three weeks later for May 9. This is a Saturday. The start times will still be the same. The course will be marked and rideable all day on Friday, May 8. It is in the interest of our racer's safety that we had to make this change. The course can handle rain, but lightning presents concerns. If you have pre-registered and will not be able to make the new date, then contact us for resolution at info@speedbanana.com.


A big thank you to our series sponsors, for whom we would not be able to bring these events to you.

C Town Bikes for prizes and race support.
TruckerCo.com for prizes

ESI Grips

The course starts in the horse parking area and makes a counter clockwise loop. This map shows all the trails. The heavy lines are the course and the thin lines the unused trails.
You will not be able to follow the map unless you are very familiar with the trails.
This gps file is accurate, and starts next to the horse parking kiosk. If you have a mapping function on your gps unit then you should be able to follow the race course. At each intersection check the map to see where the trail leads. Sometimes the trail the course uses is not the obvious route of travel or may pass near another trail.

Not to be confused with Speed Banana LLC
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